Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Work Weekend!

My parents came the last weekend in October for a "Work Weekend". YEAH!! I love work weekends, you get a lot of stuff done and it's a party! :) We put in a new front door, and mom painted it, Dad & Daniel installed a new hot water heater (our old one was leaving a big puddle on the basement floor), they replaced the A/C drainage on the furnace, brought and installed a new (to me) stove, and countless other little jobs.

Plus we were able to eat lots of great food, watch some football and movies, talk (of course), and just have fun being together. Here are some pics from the weekend. Most of the pictures were a last minute idea, so they aren't great, but you get the idea.


Here is Dad working on installing the new door. Dad and I did that job on Friday, while Daniel was at work. Mom's job was to watch the kids or let them climb all over her. :) We didn't get any pictures of taking out the old door.

Here's a view of the new door from the outside, before mom painted it.

Inside view

The remains of our old door and frame.

The door all done now and painted from the outside.

Inside view

Dad and Daniel working on the hot water heater.

The night before my parents left mom was looking at our "motherhood" fridge poetry set. The next day I found this. Thanks mom!

The "it live" part I think the kids might have messed with.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you--I love work weekends. I always ask for house projects to be done as my birthday/Christmas gifts!! Gen

TulipGirl said...

*mush, mush* on the motherhood poem.

And sounds like y'all had a great weekend with your folks!