Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poems and Pictures

Today in school we wrote kite poems. We were supposed to write one about Rosa Parks and here's what we came up with.

Black, Strong
Brave, Fair, Important
Right, Mother

Then I decided to write a kite poem for Hannah and Abigail.

Sweet, Kind
Leader, Helper, Sister
Creative, Caring

Silly, Sensitive
Wild, Kind, Funny
Helpful, Sister

Here are some pictures of what you can get when you let kids have control of the camera for a bit. :)

We took the kids to see "Horton Hears A Who" a couple weeks ago. It was a fun experience, though I spent quite a bit of time walking to and from the bathrooms. (Some of them thought that was more fun than the movie!) We tried to take a picture of us in the theater, but they came out a bit dark.

While I was vacuuming the other day, Joanna really wanted me to hold her. So, this was our compromise. :)

Some playful pictures...

Kiss anyone?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I apologize for the lack of posting of late. Life has been pretty busy. Besides the normal home, church, school, etc. Last week I went down to Wichita for Commercial Laundry Sales and Service (Daniel's Family's Business) for an open house. I was the "Grill Master" for the event. :)

Then on Friday and Saturday I had a Garage Sale. It went pretty well and I am so happy to have lots of stuff a.k.a. junk, out of my house! We also got a bunk bed for Abigail and Isaac, so we are still in the process of rearranging all the bedrooms, dressers, etc.

On Friday we leave for a trip to Missouri to see my parents and cousins I haven't seen in a long time. We will be there for about a week and we are so looking forward to it!!

Plus, I'm working on plans for a trip in about 3 weeks when I get to spend some wonderful time with my sisters! Yeah!!

Needless to say, there's a lot going on. Oh yeah, and we almost bought a new house, but our offer wasn't accepted. So, now we are just focusing on getting this house ready to sell and planning to move in a year or so. We will stay here in town, just looking for a bigger house. You know 6 people in a 900 square foot house, (we do have a full unfinished basement, but it's pretty much just storage area.) we'd like a little more room. :)

Well, I have rambled long enough. I hope to post more often when things settle down around here. I should have lots of pictures from this trip....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I actually have downloaded some pictures already, but I haven't gotten them organized yet. So, hopefully a new post with pictures soon! I did think that I would give you a little tidbit of a post still.

The other day Hannah was pouting about not getting her way with something. So, afterwards I was talking with her about it and when I mentioned her pouting she said, "I didn't mean to pout Mommy, but it just came onto my face so fast that I couldn't get it off!"

Then we had a Mom trying not to laugh and still teach about good behaviour when we don't get our way! :)