We stopped by G'ma and G'pa Asher's house the other day for a moment and Grandpa had put together some kites for the kids to fly. The weather was pretty decent for it, but the winds would come up for a bit, then die down, come back up, and die down again. So, after about 5 starts and stops we rolled them back up and put them away until another beautiful day.

The kids had such a blast! Just today we mentioned that G'ma and G'pa were stopping by to drop off their dog and kitty for us to watch for a few days, and Hannah(6) said she thought they would probably bring the kites, too. (She is our current, resident know-it-all.)

So now we have a couple of fun days to play with Maya, the kitty. They are always asking to go to G'ma and G'pas house these days, not to see them necessarily, but to see Maya! You know they have their priorities!! Sorry Grandma and Grandpa. :)