Saturday, July 12, 2008


We are having some computer problems. It looks like we will need to get a new desktop computer. :( So, I can only use Daniel's laptop and most days he has it at work with him. Also, this summer has turned out to be quite busy. So, I really haven't had much computer time.

We finished school this past Friday, and now we're off for about a month. Yeah! The girls are doing really well, and I enjoy seeing them catch on and learn so many new ideas, concepts, etc!

We're heading out to visit my parents in Missouri next weekend. The kids are getting so excited, and so are we! :) Maybe pictures?? We'll see.

Now that school is done, I'm hoping to have a bit more "free" time (haha) to blog more.

Thanks for your patience!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you!! Have a good month off and a good trip with your folks! Love, Gen

TulipGirl said...

Our laptop is dying (again) and so I'm glad we have the warranty. But, it takes forever to get back and with Hubby and I both taking classes. . . well. . . I always end up appreciating the time I have less online time. (Even if I can't blog the photos and memories!)