Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tag Time!

I got tagged by Tulipgirl and thought that I would actually try to post something on my blog! :) So, here goes:

If you came to my house. . .

You would see:
My new (to me) couch and loveseats, a variety of pictures of my family, several Scripture prints, and I'm sure quite a few toys lying around!

We’d probably feed you:
Papa Murphy's Take-n-Bake pizzas. (If you know me, at least some type of pizza at some point!)

And offer you this to drink:
Water, soda, or juice. If we're feeling fun, maybe a Smirnoff. ;)

We’d undoubtedly ask if you’d read:
Hmmmm.... Maybe Lord of the Rings or Dr. Seuss?

We’d want to play this music for you:
Well, I mostly listen to the radio, so KLOVE. (I spend most of my time with friends talking, not listening to music! :)

We’d want to tell you the latest about:
What our kids are up to, homeschooling, or the family business

We’d probably suggest a game of:
Cranium or Canasta

We might/would definitely show off:
Our kids silly antics

We might get on the computer and show you:
Some of our favorite pictures, including our trip to England.

If it was a long enough visit, we might watch:
Depends on the person.....home videos, chick flick, action/adventure?

After reading my answers, my house actually sounds a bit boring. Believe me, it rarely is! Between spilled juice, sibling issues, homeschooling, house cleaning, bath time, outside time, etc, etc. boring would definitely not be the word for it. You've just got to experience us! ;)

What would a visit to your house be like?

So, I'm supposed to tag some other folks. Let's say:

Emily posted
Sara posted


Anonymous said...

Gee thanks for the tag...I guess this means I have to get off my lazy but and post...

Ok...maybe sometime in the next couple of days...

TulipGirl said...

*grin* It's fun to "visit" you like this, since we can't in person. . .

Anonymous said...

I'll take the Smirnoff! :-) Love, Gen

My name is April. said...

You are slacking on your updates lady! :-)Thanks for the note. And thanks for reading. Keep me in your prayers please!